Wednesday, July 16, 2008

On Deck

I've been on a hiatus from reading the past couple of days. I don't know why; I guess I saturated my brain with other people's lives and needed a break. The last book I finished was Honeymoon by James Patterson. If you've ever read anything by him, you know it was intense.

Here's what I have on deck:
A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving
Seasons of Passions by Danielle Steel
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown


Claire said...

I've never read "Da Vinci Code". You'll have to tell me what you think. I guess at the rate I'm reading books, it may be another 10 years before I get to it.

Chrisie said...

The Da VInci Code is really, much better than the movie...

And I love Danielle Steele books.

Thank you for inspriring me to start reading "grown up" books again.