Sunday, July 13, 2008

Karen Kingsbury

Today's post is about my introduction to Christian fiction. My mom had read a couple of Karen Kingsbury's books and recommended them to me. I wasn't so sure because I doubted they would have the racy plots that I enjoy. Then, Mom bought me 2 books for my birthday and I decided to give one a whirl. I read A Time To Dance first and am currently reading Above the Clouds. I immediately noticed the strong spiritual connections and the emphasis on prayer. A Time To Dance is a story of reconciliation between a man and wife who have had a fairytale marriage but time, children, and jobs have wedged between the 2 and now they are facing a divorce. The story sounds just like the life of someone I might know and it is comforting to read about how the power of prayer can save a marriage.


Unknown said...

I've heard about Karen Kingsbury but haven't read her yet. I'll put them on my reserve list at the library. Thanks! Mindy H

Claire said...

That sounds interesting. I will try to check one of them out soon. I haven't read much Christian fiction, so I might need to branch out to something new.

On a side note, I'm incredibly impressed with how fast you plow through books. I checked out a book from the library on Thursday and still haven't opened it. Of course, I do sit around commenting on blogs all the time. Maybe that is the problem.