Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Book Sharing

Many of my loyal readers have indicated that they are interested in reading books that I have detailed on this blog. I am a reader who doesn't spend $ on books but rather uses the local library and the generosity of friends to feed my addiction. So... if there is a book that I have mentioned that you want to borrow, please let me know in the comment section and I will gladly loan it to you. Likewise, if you have a book you think I or my children might enjoy, please share with us.

*My secret dream: to be a librarian- because I would be surrounded by the smell, feeling, and sight of books every day!*


Claire said...

I'm in!!!! I guess you started last night, with the million book (which I'm secretly hoarding for our upcoming trip). Let me know if you want to borrow any books I've mentioned!

Claire said...

Just a follow-up comment....we love the million book. I've read it repeatedly while we were driving, and Jason even had me read the entire back section because he thought they might be just making it up. We should swap books more often-it would save me a lot of money!