Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Reading

I like to read books specific to the holiday that is approaching so my children have a greater appreciation of what it all means. Christmas is the holiday with the most in our collection so far. I have Halloween books, Easter books, and 1 Thanksgiving book. I also found that by seperating them from the rest of the books it makes them special since they only appear for a short time then are put away. Lillian has a drawer in her desk that we use to store the holiday books. I pulled the Christmas books out tonight with the hope of reading 1 every night this month. Some are chunky board books for little hands and others are the classics like A Charlie Brown Christmas. One particular favorite is Bear Stays Up For Christmas by Karma Wilson. We also have 2 books about Dora celebrating the holiday and one with The Little Engine Who Could.

I'm hoping to expand our collection over the next few years so let's dedicate this post to finding out great holiday classics that your family enjoys. It can go beyond Christmas. I'd like to hear some great ones about St. Patrick's Day and 4th of July.


Chrisie said...

I founf this from blog stalking Julie's comments. It looks like a really cute book and I love the concept of the Elf is always watching and reporting back to Santa. I'm gonna try to find one to have for Cole next year. I think he will understand it better next Christmas.

The Elf on the Shelf is the name of the book. And I found it on this blog...

Claire said...

Hey! Its not a holiday book, but Grace brought home a very good book this week from her school library. Its called "Iron John". The author is Eric A. Kimmel. Its a fairy tale adapted from the Grimm Brothers. I'd never heard of it, but its an interesting story, has great vocabulary and the main character is a boy (which is rare in fairy tales). In reading the author's note on the back, he states that he changed the ending, which I liked the ending a lot, so if you look into it, I'd try to find this author. I may try to buy the book because it is due back tomorrow. Just thought of you guys when we were reading it.

Melinda said...

Holiday books: Jack likes Polar Express and Peef the Christmas Bear. I just bough a Dinosaur's Night Before Christmas too...haven't tried it out yet, but I thought it looked really cute.