Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Carl Hiassen

I have never read anything by this author, but I just picked up a book by him at the library. I am familiar with his young adult books, Flush and Hoot, and was surprised to find that he has several adult books as well. Based on his website, Carl Hiassen writes about environmental and political issues where his main character tackles a problem with great odds. With witty humor and clever plot, the story moves quickly. I think this is an author I will enjoy very much!

After searching his website, I'm curious about the book Team Rodent: How Disney Devours the World.


Claire said...

I've never read any of his books, but I've seen them and wondered about them, especially 'Flush'. I'd like to hear what you think after you read it.

Sweet Simplicity said...

I have read one of his books, Skinny Dip. I really enjoyed it!